Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sow a Seed, Reap a Harvest

I have been contemplating a first post for this blog for several days, wondering what in the world I could talk about. What hasn't already been said? What topic hasn't already been written about, rewritten, edited, and rewritten about again? Then it hit me. Just like with all of my writing, I must write about the things that move me. It is always easy to share the things that stir us up and ignite the passion stored away in our spirits. 

Today, I was so touched when a seed that I had planted erupted into a lovely crop for a friend. Her hard work, talent, and creativity paved the road for sure, but I cannot express the joy that I felt when she thanked me for sharing something that seemed to be insignificant to me at the time, yet proved to possibly be the catalyst for the eruption. A seed had been planted. She reaped and so did I.

Strangely enough, this news came at a time when I was not physically feeling well. My fingers were aching from all of the typing that I had done during the day. My stomach was growling and I was wrapped deeply in my flannel robe from the chill in my apartment. I was all smiles anyway and in the simplicity of my joy, these words came to mind:

It is at my lowest that I must rise to the highest point.
It is at my weakest that I must be the strongest.
It is when my heart is breaking that I must love the most.
It is in the midst of tears that I must dry another's eyes.
It is when I am tired that I must run the fastest.

How can this be? These are the times when we are expected, and even entitled, to focus on self and no one would blame us or even think twice about it. However, it is the nature of God within us that pushes us to carry on, realizing that we always have access to His everlasting supply of all that we need, even when we are depleted or empty. Simply put, rely on God and your cup will never cease to run over.

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